With states around the country shutting down schools, restaurants, bars, libraries, gyms, large events and gatherings – and with countries around the world instituting travel restrictions and closing down borders – this is without a doubt a scary and confusing time for the world at large.

And while the inclination for most is to panic, there has never been a more appropriate time for cooler heads to prevail.
Yes, the thought of the coronavirus spreading through our communities is scary, but there are things we can all do to prepare for the most sweeping change that is sure to come – self-quarantine in our homes to help stop community spread.
Survival Prepping Basics
Best Coronavirus Prepping Foods
As everyone is rushing for bread, pasta, frozen pizza and bottled water, here are a few overlooked survival foods that you will find in stores and online.
Whether it’s beef, turkey, venison or fish, jerky is the perfect protein for prepping for the coronavirus pandemic. Jerky is high in protein, has a long shelf life and can easily be frozen without taking up a ton of room in your freezer.
What’s more, jerky can easily replace the main source of protein in your favorite recipes. And if you find yourself going a bit stir crazy while you’re all cooped up in the house, you can always make your own jerky.
If you find yourself in an empty pasta aisle, rice isle or lamenting the lack of flour on your grocery store shelves, look no further than your produce aisle.
Potatoes are a great source of starch, can be cooked a ton of different ways, are extremely cheap and – best of all – are nutritious and packed with potassium, vitamin C and fiber. Oh, and they can sit on a shelf for two to three without going bad.
Conventional wisdom says fruit spoils quickly. While that is true for many fruits, apples can last up to two months if stored correctly. Plus, apples are high in fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants… and they’re incredibly filling for their size.
So, you have apples… but the shelves have been cleared of every single jar of peanut butter. Not to worry. This classic combination is easy to achieve without JIF or Skippy. First, get a bag full of peanuts from your grocery store’s bulk section. Next, throw two cups of peanuts in a food processor with two tablespoons of honey or sugar and salt to taste. Done. Peanut butter.
Food Storage Tips
When it comes to storing food, non-perishable (canned) foods can live pretty much anywhere in your house. As for jerky, there are a few different ways to store your jerky for peak freshness and shelf life. Potatoes are best stored in a cool, dry, dark place – most often a closed pantry or your basement’s cold storage.
Believe it or not, if you store your apples in a sealed plastic bag in the refrigerator, they can last up to two months! As for your home-made peanut butter… well, that will last longer than it takes you to eat it so long as it stays refrigerated.
Order Food Online
Can’t leave the house? Or afraid of bringing the coronavirus home with you? Completely understandable. Thankfully, you can order almost anything – including food and household items – online. While this option may become limited over time as the coronavirus spreads, you can take advantage of online shopping now.
While all of these prepping suggestions may be helpful, the biggest thing you can do to prepare for the coronavirus pandemic is to keep calm, don’t horde supplies in fear (think of your friends and neighbors needs, too!) and limit your exposure as much as you can. It will take us all doing our best to prevent community spread and stop this thing in its tracks.
So, be safe, stay healthy and get prepared.
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