You may have seen prepping in the news and may have wondered, “What is prepping?” Prepping is short for emergency preparedness and there are millions of people across the world getting prepared for the worst. What can happen? Natural disasters, conflict, climate issues… you name it, and people want to be prepared. To a prepper that means having supplies stored, basic necessities planned and ample food for the whole family. A prepper wants to be prepared for any size of emergency that comes up.
Food storage is a big deal when it comes to prepping. Most people can make it through a 72 hour emergency, but what happens when that 72 hours rolls into several weeks or even a month? One of the big mistakes that someone can make when storing for for the long term is to not store foods that you like and enjoy. That is why Beef jerky is a mainstay food for the prepper.
Beef jerky, or any kind of jerky for that matter, is a great product for storage because it is already preserved. It is a tried and true product that has stood the test of time throughout history. You can use jerky as a stand alone meal or incorporate it into recipes as a protein. There are even prepper cookbooks that help with beef jerky recipes. Swing by the shop and start stocking up your food supply with our Beef Jerky Variety Pack. Beef jerky is great on its own and can also be used to flavor other prepper food staples, like soups, pasta or beans.
Whether you are a seasoned prepper or you simply want to dip a toe into the prepping pool, make the first step be getting yourself some good jerky.