An Alternative to the Valentine’s Day Tradition
Valentine’s Day, for most of us, is steeped in a new kind of tradition. Chocolates are purchased in heart-shaped boxes, roses are ordered by the dozen, and stock cards purchased impulsively at check out counters. But where did it all begin, and how can we be different, how do we change the cliché, bring a little more spice to this holiday?
Valentine’s Day itself finds its roots in mythology. Saint Valentine, for whom the holiday is known, was no law-abiding romantic. The man was imprisoned for performing forbidden weddings, best known for signing a love letter “your Valentine” to an estranged woman whom he had “healed” just before his untimely execution. He was either the epitome of romantic, or simply a man lost and in love with his own idea of himself.
It wasn’t until 18th-century England when the day would become one when suitors exchanged flowers, hand-written cards, and confectionary to one another in terms of endearment and love. Cupid would follow. As would doves and diamonds and the plethora of small “valentines” stuffed into envelopes and dropped into hand-made valentines boxes in elementary school rooms across Europe and the United States.

Of course, you are welcome to these age-old rituals. But this year, we offer another idea. Instead of paying great sums of money to secure the reservation at that over-hyped restaurant, instead of throwing your hard-earned cash at another dozen roses, what if you throw a couple pairs of snow shoes into the back of the truck, put together a picnic made just for two (for an added bonus, throw in our Better Than Flowers Jerky Sampler or Just Right 5-Pack for some added spice), and escort your love to a coveted trail-head for a moonlight hike. Or bring some delightful treats and a bottle of something in your pack and, hand-in-hand, wander off toward your favorite beach for a private sunset.
What if instead of all the pomp and circumstance, there was just circumstance? What if the experience alone was enough?
Either way, this is the time of year to celebrate love. Enjoy each other. Breathe in the wider world as made better by that person at your side. And, as always, bask in the very essence of being.
Happy Valentine’s Day.
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