I am sure that it has not escaped you, but just in case it has… It is back to school time! That can be a happy time or a sad time depending on your status as a parent or as the student. 🙂 Getting used to school again is tough on kids and adults too! Getting up early and rushing around in the mornings is a killer. Making sure that the kids have food in their tummy’s to keep them alert and ready to learn is always hard. But sending them to school with some awesome jerky sticks to snack on is a smart idea!
Our jerky sticks or beef jerky are a smart addition to any lunch pail or back pack for those long afternoons. Especially if your child is involved in extra curricular sports. There is a lot of time to get hungry between lunch and dinner and working out hard sure burns calories! We make it easy to keep a healthy high protein snack at their side any time.
Our jerky comes in many different flavors so you can mix it up for them or add their favorite flavor to their sports bag or pack pack every day. The kids will appreciate the protein packed energy boost and you will feel good knowing that they have something delicious during that long afternoon stretch.
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