When we first had the idea of taking our jerky business from the kitchen table to a larger scale facility, one thing we wanted to ensure is that our meat jerky remained true to our high standards of quality and taste. We started with a hand made process and today, 13 years later, we still use a hand made process. Our whole idea was to make the finest jerky available and that includes taking on the store bought jerky.
We dare you to compare
…. Compare our jerky to the jerky found in a convenience store or grocery store. What are you going to find? You are going to find there is no comparison!
Mountain America Jerky is all natural with no fillers and no additives. We add no preservatives, MSG or Nitrates and we use half the amount of salt that the commercial product contains. Plus, we don’t kill the meat flavor with over flavoring the jerky. We only use basic ingredients that enhance the flavor of the meat so you taste what you are suppose to be tasting.
Does any of this sound like what you get from one of those hanging bags? No way!
We invite you to take a gamble! I can write here all day long about how good our jerky is, but the proof will be your taste buds. Once you try our moist, thick cut slabs of jerky, I know you will wonder why you ever thought store bought jerky was supposed to taste like that.
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