Our Fish Jerky is a Low Fat Treat
Getting healthy is on the mind of millions of people every day and we keep our natural jerky just as healthful as possible. The proteins in jerky is a fabulous reason to add it into your healthy diet for a quick mid-afternoon pick me up or even as a meal replacement for on the go. […]
Try Our Flavorful Sweet and Spicy Jerky
Sweet and spicy is such a flavorful combination and it really shines through when it is combined into meat. We set out to create a fabulous taste profile when we were working on our recipe for our Sweet and Spicy Beef Jerky and we think that we have a wonderful product that will please any […]
Enjoy Our Spicy Hot Habanero Jerky
When it comes to jerky, there are so many different recipes and methods to prepare a great tasting meat. We love our recipes, as told by our customers and the fact they keep coming back for more! One of the favorites recipes consistently on our best selling list is our spicy hot Habanero Jerky. We […]
Smoked Rattlesnake Meat Snack: A New Taste Treat
We know there are folks out there that love different and unique items. They are open to trying new products and flavors. With this in mind, we found a cool snack that we thought you would love to check out. It is a new taste treat for the exotic game meat lovers out there. It […]
Chipotle Salmon Spread: Delicious New Item
*This is an archived post. Salmon spread is no longer available. We have some brand new items for 2013 that we have been rolling out for you over the past few weeks and I am excited to share a fabulous new Salmon Spread that will quickly rise to the top of your favorite snack list. […]
Introducing Alpaca Jerky – New at Mountain America Jerky
I have something special to share with you today! It is brand new jerky flavor! Yes, we have been working very hard to expand our flavors of exotic jerky and we found the perfect fit with our Alpaca Jerky. If you are not familiar with it, here is a bit of information on what to […]
Order Your Deer Jerky All Year Long
It is a sad day when the deer hunters realize their stash of fresh venison is running low. That delicious meat you can get only one time during the year is a precious commodity for many. The best part is enjoying amazing Deer jerky with your prized meat. The worst part is knowing that it […]
Beef Jerky and Valentine’s Day: A Tasty Combination
It’s that time of year again, and many people have taken to the internet to find Valentine’s Day gift ideas that show just how much they care about the special people in their lives. Well, at Mountain America Jerky, we know that the old adage is true: The fastest way to someone’s heart is through […]
Where Do You Stash Your Jerky?
If there is one thing about jerky that makes it such an awesome snack food, it has to be that it is easy to stash. How many times were you somewhere that you wished you had some food stashed that you could pull out and munch on? Ever need that stress reliever that would make […]